Why ‘Notion Sucks’ and Why Teamplate is a Better Alternative
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In the realm of productivity tools, Notion has garnered significant attention for its versatility and customizable interface. Yet, many users encounter challenges that compromise its effectiveness, prompting a search for more robust solutions. Teamplate emerges as a superior alternative, addressing the limitations of Notion while offering an all-in-one platform tailored to enhance productivity, streamline workflows, and facilitate seamless collaboration. This article delves deeply into the reasons why Notion falls short and how Teamplate surpasses these shortcomings, providing a comprehensive analysis that equips you with insights to make an informed decision.

Exploring the key features and benefits of Teamplate over Notion can reveal why it’s worth considering as your go-to productivity software.

Key Takeaways

  • Notion’s interface can be frustratingly cluttered and unintuitive.
  • Teamplate offers a more user-friendly and customizable experience.
  • Switching to Teamplate can streamline your workflow and improve productivity.

The Limitations of Notion

1. Overwhelming Complexity

Notion’s flexibility is both a blessing and a curse. While it allows for extensive customization, the sheer number of features can be overwhelming for new users. The steep learning curve requires a significant investment of time and effort to set up and tailor the platform to specific needs. For busy professionals and teams, this complexity can detract from productivity rather than enhancing it.

  • Initial Setup: Customizing Notion to fit unique workflows involves a meticulous setup process. Users must create databases, templates, and dashboards from scratch, which can be daunting for those unfamiliar with the tool.
  • Maintenance: Keeping Notion organized and updated requires continuous effort. As projects evolve, so must the structure within Notion, demanding regular attention to maintain efficiency.

2. Inefficient Collaboration

Effective collaboration is pivotal for any team, and while Notion offers collaborative features, it lacks the integrated, real-time communication tools necessary for seamless teamwork. The absence of native chat, video calls, and robust file-sharing capabilities can lead to fragmented communication and inefficiencies.

  • Communication Gaps: Without integrated chat or video call features, teams must rely on external applications, leading to context switching and potential miscommunication.
  • File Management: While Notion allows for file embedding, it does not provide a comprehensive solution for secure file sharing and management. Users often find themselves juggling multiple tools to meet their collaboration needs.

3. Performance Issues

As teams scale and projects grow in complexity, Notion’s performance can suffer. Slow loading times, syncing issues, and occasional crashes can disrupt workflows and cause frustration among users.

  • Scaling Problems: Notion’s performance can degrade with the increasing volume of data, making it less reliable for large-scale projects.
  • Reliability: Users report occasional syncing issues and downtime, which can hinder productivity and lead to data inconsistencies.

4. Limited Project Management Features

While Notion offers basic project management tools, it often falls short for teams managing multiple, complex projects. The lack of advanced features like sprint planning, and detailed task tracking can make it challenging to keep projects on track.

  • Task Management: Notion’s task management capabilities are basic, lacking features like recurring tasks, dependencies, and advanced reporting.
  • Project Tracking: Teams require robust tools to track progress, manage workloads, and analyze performance—areas where Notion can be insufficient.

Why Teamplate is a Better Alternative

Teamplate addresses Notion’s limitations by providing an all-in-one solution that combines the best features of leading productivity tools into a single, cohesive platform. This section explores how Teamplate excels in usability, collaboration, project management, performance, and affordability.

1. User-Friendly Interface

Teamplate is designed with the user in mind, offering an intuitive and easy-to-use interface that minimizes the learning curve and allows users to get started quickly. Its clean, straightforward design ensures that users can focus on their tasks without being bogged down by unnecessary complexity.

  • Ease of Use: Teamplate’s interface is simple and intuitive, enabling users to navigate and utilize features without extensive training.
  • Customization: While maintaining simplicity, Teamplate offers sufficient customization to tailor workflows to specific needs without overwhelming users.

2. Seamless Collaboration

Teamplate excels in fostering collaboration with built-in features that ensure real-time communication and efficient teamwork. Unlike Notion, which requires multiple applications for comprehensive collaboration, Teamplate integrates all necessary tools into one platform.

  • Integrated Communication: Teamplate includes native chat, video calls, and threaded conversations, reducing the need for context switching and enhancing team communication.
  • File Sharing: With robust file-sharing capabilities, Teamplate allows users to upload, share, and manage files securely within the platform, streamlining collaboration.

Key Collaboration Features

  • Chat: Collaborate seamlessly with teams and clients across projects, spaces, and direct messages. Foster real-time collaboration with instant messaging, file sharing, and threaded conversations.
  • Video Calls: Connect your team and clients for efficient meetings and collaboration with inbuilt screen recording and video call functionality. This feature unites remote-based teams and facilitates asynchronous communication.
  • Screen Record: Record your screen and upload recordings to chats, tickets, and data rooms, ensuring that information is easily accessible and sharable.

3. Robust Project Management

Teamplate offers advanced project management tools, providing a comprehensive view of project progress and helping teams stay organized and on schedule. Unlike Notion, Teamplate’s project management features are designed to handle complex workflows and large-scale projects.

  • Kanban Boards: Organize workflows, manage tasks, and visualize progress with customizable boards, epics, and sprints. Switch between backlog, Kanban, and board views to adapt to different project needs.
  • Calendar Integration: Stay on top of your schedule and manage meetings with ease, ensuring that deadlines are met, and tasks are properly scheduled.
  • Dashboard: Manage your events and tasks from a dedicated space that provides an overview of your productivity metrics. This dashboard offers a bird’s eye view of a master calendar, pulling events from all spaces and projects into one place, and also allows for sorting and filtering of tasks for better organization.

Key Project Management Features

  • Task Management: Teamplate offers advanced task management capabilities, including recurring tasks and dependencies  ensuring that projects stay on track.
  • Project Tracking: With tools to track progress, manage workloads, and analyze performance, Teamplate provides the insights needed to optimize project outcomes.

4. Enhanced Performance

Built to handle the demands of growing teams, Teamplate offers reliable performance with fast loading times and seamless syncing. This ensures that users can focus on their work without interruptions or delays.

  • Scalability: Teamplate is designed to scale with your team, maintaining performance and reliability even as data volume increases.
  • Reliability: With robust infrastructure, Teamplate minimizes downtime and syncing issues, providing a stable platform for your productivity needs.

5. Comprehensive Data Management

Teamplate’s Data Room allows users to securely store, upload, and share various file formats, including Excel, Word, PDF, and images. Permissions can be set per file, ensuring that sensitive information is protected.

  • Secure Storage: Store and manage files securely within Teamplate, with permissions settings that ensure only authorized users have access.
  • File Management: Easily upload, share, and manage files within the platform, streamlining data management and enhancing collaboration.

6. Affordable and Accessible

Teamplate is designed to be accessible to all, offering a freemium model with all features available. This makes it an affordable option for startups, small and medium businesses, freelancers, and creative agencies.

  • Freemium Model: Teamplate provides all features for free, making it accessible to teams of all sizes without the burden of multiple subscriptions.
  • Cost Savings: By consolidating multiple tools into one platform, Teamplate helps users save on subscription costs and reduces the complexity of managing different applications.

Benefits for Target Audience

Teamplate is designed to meet the diverse needs of various target audiences, providing tailored solutions that enhance productivity and streamline workflows.

1. Start-ups

Challenges: Managing a small team efficiently with limited resources.

Benefits: Teamplate helps streamline workflows and improve team collaboration, allowing startups to focus on achieving key milestones and growing their business.

  • Workflow Efficiency: Teamplate’s intuitive design and integrated features help startups manage projects and collaborate efficiently, even with limited resources.
  • Growth Facilitation: By reducing the time spent on managing multiple tools, startups can focus on achieving growth objectives and scaling their business.

2. Small & Medium Businesses (SMBs)

Challenges: Balancing day-to-day tasks with strategic planning.

Benefits: Teamplate enhances communication and transparency, improving project management and overall efficiency.

  • Operational Efficiency: SMBs benefit from Teamplate’s comprehensive project management and communication tools, which streamline operations and improve productivity.
  • Strategic Planning: With advanced tracking SMBs can balance daily tasks with long-term strategic planning, ensuring sustained growth and success.

3. Freelancers

Challenges: Staying organized and meeting deadlines across different clients and projects.

Benefits: Teamplate improves project management and client communication, freeing up time for business development and personal branding.

  • Client Management: Freelancers can manage multiple clients and projects efficiently with Teamplate’s integrated tools, ensuring timely delivery and client satisfaction.
  • Time Management: By streamlining workflows, Teamplate helps freelancers manage their time effectively, allowing them to focus on business development and personal branding.

4. Marketing & Creative Agencies

Challenges: Managing multiple client projects simultaneously.

Benefits: Teamplate streamlines project workflows and enhances team communication, ensuring high-quality work and client satisfaction.

  • Project Efficiency: Agencies can manage multiple projects seamlessly with Teamplate’s advanced project management tools, ensuring timely delivery and high-quality work.
  • Client Satisfaction: With improved communication and collaboration, agencies can exceed client expectations and build strong relationships, leading to repeat business and growth.


While Notion offers a range of features, its complexity and performance issues can hinder productivity. Teamplate, with its user-friendly interface, seamless collaboration tools, and robust project management capabilities, provides a superior alternative that meets the needs of modern teams. By choosing Teamplate, you can boost productivity, save time and money, and empower your team to achieve their goals with greater efficiency.

Teamplate stands out not only for its comprehensive features but also for its commitment to user experience and affordability. It is designed to be a practical solution for a wide range of users, from startups and SMBs to freelancers and creative agencies, making it an ideal choice for those seeking to enhance their productivity and streamline their workflows.

Project management and team collaboration thrive on clarity and openness. It’s essential that everyone involved is fully informed and in sync .

A key strategy to achieve this is implementing the Kanban framework, renowned for enhancing transparency and streamlining work processes.

This article will introduce you to the Kanban board, a vital tool in this methodology. We will also showcase over 10 outstanding Kanban board examples, providing valuable insights and ideas for your project management endeavors.

Ready to dive in?

Let’s begin.

What Is a Kanban Board?

A Kanban board visually maps out your workflow using columns that denote different stages of a task’s progress. This board is a cornerstone of the Kanban method, an agile approach emphasizing team communication, ongoing enhancement, and openness.

On a Kanban board, tasks are categorized into defined queues such as “To-Do,” “In Progress,” and “Done,” mirroring the specific requirements of your workflow process.

What are the benefits of a Kanban Board in Project Management?

A Kanban board exemplifies a fundamental yet highly effective method for tracking and managing workflows and tasks. By utilizing various color-coded cards arranged in distinct lanes, this basic Kanban board structure provides a clear and comprehensive view of ongoing projects and their current status.

The primary objective of a Kanban system is to manage and optimize workflow. By setting limits on work in progress, it ensures that team members focus on completing current tasks before embarking on new ones. This approach is crucial in preventing overload and promoting a smooth progression through the workflow.

Continuous refinement and enhancement are at the heart of Kanban, especially relevant for teams in fields like software development and marketing. With each iteration, or ‘sprint,’ teams can assess the pace of task progression, the time taken to initiate tasks, and the frequency of tasks returned for revisions or due to bugs. This ongoing evaluation, a key element of the Lean methodology and encapsulated in the Kaizen system, enables teams – whether in software development, marketing, sales, or other domains – to identify and eliminate inefficiencies, leading to better resource utilization and time management.

The versatility of Kanban boards, including online Kanban board options, allows for adaptation to a variety of team needs, from software development teams to marketing and sales Kanban boards, making them a valuable tool across various sectors.

10+ Project Management Kanban Board Examples

Get your game face on cause we’re about to play our ace by showing you some fantastic Kanban examples.

And if you’re already familiar with the rules of the game, you can start creating an online Kanban board right away – just explore teamplate Kanban board

1. Project management

Embarking on project management with a Kanban board isn’t just about organization – it’s about transforming abstract plans into tangible results. The first step is designing a straightforward yet comprehensive board with columns that include:

  • Business Requirements
  • Ready to Start
  • In Progress
  • Delegated to Clients
  • Done

Incorporating tasks from every department onto your cards, you create a dynamic project management dashboard. This setup not only tracks what each team member is doing at any moment but also offers a panoramic view of the entire project’s progress.

On paper, this structure seems perfect. However, the true challenge lies in bringing this Kanban board to life. Relying on a physical, paper-based system might seem tempting, but in the fast-paced world of project management, this approach is as fragile as a house of cards.

To avoid the pitfalls of outdated methods, it’s essential to leverage the most efficient Kanban tools available. Take Teamplate’s Board, for example, which elevates your Kanban experience with features like:

  • Effortless drag-and-drop for moving cards
  • Sorting tasks by various criteria such as Status, Assignees, Priority, Tags, and Due Dates
  • A comprehensive view of tasks throughout your entire Workspace
  • The option to add visually appealing cover images to your cards

2. Product management

The dynamic world of product development in industries such as SaaS, manufacturing, and software development demands versatile and adaptive management tools. Moving away from the conventional Scrum boards, these sectors are increasingly embracing the flexibility offered by Kanban boards.

Let’s delve into how different product development sectors can tailor Kanban boards to suit their unique processes:

Software Development

Stages on the Kanban board might include

  • Design
  • Development
  • Code Review
  • Testing/Quality Assurance
  • Deployment

Lean Manufacturing

Here, the Kanban stages could be

  • Ordered
  • Scheduled
  • Manufacturing
  • Inspection
  • Shipping
  • Delivered

SaaS Development

The workflow can be simplified into stages like

  • Backlog
  • Work in Progress
  • In Review
  • Done

Kanban boards in product management serve as invaluable tools for tracking and managing critical aspects of product development. They offer real-time visibility, which is especially useful for stakeholders. For instance, when a stakeholder inquires about the status of a product, the software development team can immediately refer to the Kanban board and provide a prompt update. This level of immediacy and transparency is not just convenient; it’s crucial in today’s fast-paced business environments.

3. Real Estate

In the dynamic realm of real estate, a well-structured Kanban board can be a powerful tool for sales agents, enhancing their ability to effectively manage leads, negotiations, and oversee their entire sales funnel. Implementing a Kanban board into your real estate CRM system can revolutionize the way sales processes are handled, offering clarity and efficiency at every step.

Consider incorporating these meticulously designed stages into your sales Kanban board:

  • Contacted – marking the initial interaction with potential clients.
  • Interested – identifying prospects who have shown interest in the listings.
  • Negotiating – the phase where terms and conditions are being discussed.
  • Contract Sent – indicating that the official paperwork has been forwarded to the client.
  • Contract Received – acknowledging the receipt of the contract by the client.
  • Signed – the stage where the client signs the contract, signaling a commitment.
  • Deal Closed – the successful conclusion of the sales process.

By integrating these stages into the sales process within your real estate CRM, your team gains unparalleled visibility into the journey of each prospective customer. This structured approach ensures that every lead is meticulously tracked and managed, minimizing the chances of missed opportunities or lapses in communication. Furthermore, this systematic method empowers your agents with the insight to determine the most opportune moments for client engagement. It goes beyond mere transactional interactions and builds towards nurturing a relationship with the client, ensuring contact is made when it is most effective and welcome, rather than at inconvenient times.

4. Construction

Kanban boards serve as a versatile and effective tool for managing and scheduling construction projects of all scales, from small to large-scale organizations. By adopting the Kanban method, construction teams can enhance their project management strategies and streamline their workflows.

Consider, for instance, the construction project lifecycle. This typically encompasses phases like

  • Planning
  • Initiation
  • Bidding and Procurement
  • Construction
  • Close-out.

By utilizing a Kanban board, each of these phases can be subdivided into more granular, manageable tasks.

Taking the Construction phase as an example, it can be further broken down into specific tasks such as

  • Demolition
  • Framing Structure
  • Pouring Concrete.

These detailed subdivisions on the Kanban board not only make the project more manageable but also provide clear visibility into each stage of the process.

In the context of marketing, a marketing Kanban board can be similarly structured to manage various aspects of a content marketing campaign. For operations teams, an operations Kanban board can streamline processes, from daily logistics to long-term strategic planning. Portfolio Kanban boards can be employed for high-level project overviews, making them an invaluable tool for senior management to oversee multiple projects simultaneously. The real power of Kanban boards lies in their adaptability. Whether you’re creating your own Kanban board from a template or using pre-designed board examples, they can be tailored to suit the specific needs of a project or team. This is particularly beneficial in agile environments, such as agile construction teams or agile marketing teams, where flexibility and responsiveness to change are crucial.

5. Student

For students juggling multiple projects and assignments, adopting an agile Kanban board can be a game-changer. It’s a practical way to organize projects, collaborate on group tasks, and keep tabs on schedules and assignments. With tools like Excel or Google Sheets, creating a personalized Kanban board template is both accessible and effective.

Consider adding these columns to your student Kanban board to efficiently track project progress:

  • To-Do: List all pending tasks.
  • Subject: Categorize tasks by academic subjects or project titles.
  • Assigned Type: Distinguish between individual and group tasks.
  • In Progress: Track ongoing tasks.
  • Done: Monitor completed assignments.

When facing a substantial project, breaking it down into smaller, more manageable tasks is key. Take, for example, the assignment of reading William Shakespeare’s “Hamlet.” Instead of overwhelming yourself with the task of reading the entire play at once, divide it into segments:

  • Read Acts 1 & 2
  • Read Act 3
  • Read Acts 4 & 5

This approach not only simplifies the task but also provides a clear path to completion.

Group projects can especially benefit from this method. Utilizing a feature like ClickUp’s Multiple Assignees, team members can divide the project into smaller tasks and assign them accordingly. This facilitates clear communication and coordination within the group, allowing each member to track progress and contribute effectively. As a result, the team can ensure that the project is progressing smoothly and is on track for timely submission.

6. Marketing

In the bustling world of content marketing, managing a myriad of tasks ranging from project deadlines to client feedback and campaign advancement is crucial. Without an effective system to track these diverse activities, it’s challenging for marketing teams to gauge their progress and efficiency.

This is where a content marketing Kanban board becomes an essential tool. It enables teams to monitor various activities seamlessly, from website design management to SEO optimization. A well-structured Kanban board for marketing teams might include stages such as:

  • Backlog – a reservoir of planned tasks and ideas.
  • To-do – tasks that are queued for execution.
  • In Progress – current, actively worked-on tasks.
  • Pending Approval – tasks awaiting confirmation or feedback.
  • Rejected – tasks that require reevaluation or modification.
  • Final – completed tasks that have met all requirements.

To enhance this system further, consider integrating an “In Campaign” column. This addition provides real-time insight into active promotions, allowing for prompt adjustments and optimizations.

Moreover, the application of Kanban swimlanes can elevate the organization and clarity of the board. These swimlanes allow for a visual segregation of distinct marketing activities. For instance, one swimlane might be dedicated to “Marketing Metrics,” focusing on analytics and performance tracking, while another could be for “Weekly Newsletter,” streamlining the newsletter creation and distribution process.

7. Weekly planning

Navigating through the maze of ambitious weekly goals only to find ourselves falling short is a scenario many of us know all too well. The irony is not lost that seven days often leave us feeling, well, weak.

Enter the weekly planning Kanban board, a tool adept at transforming the often chaotic process of agile sprint planning, habit building, and task management into an organized, manageable system. Here’s a streamlined approach to setting up your weekly task board, a tool equally valuable for content marketers, project managers, and team members alike:

  • Weekly Goal Setting – at the start of each week, identify and select a handful of achievable tasks from your content marketing Kanban board. This focused approach ensures that you’re not overcommitting.
  • Single-Task Focus – adopt a strategy of working on one task card at a time. This method fosters deeper concentration and more efficient task completion.
  • Break It Down – for every project task on your card, add subtasks. This breakdown converts overwhelming tasks into smaller, more achievable steps, aligning well with team member specialties and allowing for easier tracking and task management.
  • Future Planning with Swimlanes – implement swimlanes on the same board for subsequent weeks, such as weeks two, three, etc. This setup allows for continuous improvement in your planning and provides a clear visual path for forthcoming tasks.

This weekly planning Kanban board not only aids in effective task management but also serves as a guide for project managers and teams to align their efforts with the set objectives. The clarity and structure it brings to the often hectic workweek are invaluable for maintaining focus and driving toward success.

8. Creative and media development

When managing complex workflows that involve creative processes, project managers and support teams often face priority conflicts. These challenges are especially pertinent when working across multiple teams and balancing numerous tasks. A practical solution to these challenges is the implementation of several Kanban boards, each tailored to distinct facets of media management.

Let’s explore how Kanban boards can be structured to streamline operations in different areas of media and content management:

Content Creation Planning Kanban Board

This board can track the progression of content from its inception to promotion with stages like

  • Requested
  • In Progress
  • Copy Approval
  • Design
  • Implementation
  • Promotion.
  • Such a setup assists project managers in overseeing the entire content creation lifecycle.

Photoshoot Kanban Board

A dedicated board for photoshoot projects could include stages such as

  • Concept
  • Planning
  • Scheduled
  • In Progress
  • Editing
  • Edited
  • Delivered

This allows teams to manage each phase of the photoshoot effectively, reducing the risk of priority conflicts.

Content and Social Calendar Kanban Boards

For managing content across various digital platforms, boards could be organized into stages like

  • Ideas
  • Scheduled This Week
  • Scheduled Next Week
  • Later This Month
  • Published

This structure is particularly beneficial for support teams coordinating content publication across multiple platforms and timelines. These Kanban boards serve not only as tools for tracking the progress of individual tasks but also as platforms for collaborative effort among multiple teams. By clearly defining stages and tasks, they help in prioritizing and resolving conflicts, ensuring that each team member knows their responsibilities and deadlines. The visual nature of Kanban boards facilitates easier communication and a unified approach to project management, essential in the dynamic environment of creative media.

9. Personal project management 

Kanban boards are not just powerful tools for managing successful projects within a professional context; they can also be incredibly useful for organizing personal projects, from vacation planning to home renovations. While diverse team members in a workplace might use separate boards for various tasks such as the hiring process or product development process, individuals can similarly utilize Kanban boards for their personal planning.

Let’s take vacation planning as an example, even in times when travel may be restricted, like during COVID lockdowns. A personal Kanban board can be a hopeful tool for mapping out future holiday plans. Instead of the typical project-focused columns like to-do, in progress, and done, you can customize your board to fit the nuances of travel planning. Columns might include:

  • Admin – for managing bookings, travel insurance, and other administrative tasks.
  • Packing – checklist of items to pack for the trip.
  • Tourist Attractions – planning and scheduling visits to various sites and attractions.
  • Food and Drinks – researching and noting down must-try local cuisine and dining spots.

Incorporating visual elements, such as images of beaches or destinations, into your vacation Kanban board can also add an element of excitement and motivation, especially when physical travel is limited. These images serve as a reminder of the enjoyable experiences that await and can be a delightful contrast to the mundane backgrounds we’ve grown accustomed to in virtual meetings.

10. Event management

Kanban boards are remarkably versatile and can be a tremendous asset in planning and executing a variety of events, from enchanting weddings to dynamic work functions. Their visual nature and customizable framework make them an ideal tool for event project management.

When creating a Kanban board for event planning, the standard columns – such as To-Do, In Progress, and Done – provide a solid foundation. However, the true magic of Kanban in event planning lies in its ability to be tailored to the specific nuances of event management.

  • Custom Columns for Specific Needs – apart from the standard columns, you can add specific ones like “Design Ideas”, “Vendor Contracts”, “RSVPs”, or “Day-of-Event”. These specialized columns allow for tracking different aspects of event planning in an organized manner.
  • Visual Inspiration and Confirmation – adding images to your Kanban board can greatly enhance the planning experience. For instance, if you’re organizing a wedding, you can upload pictures of potential flower arrangements, cake designs, and decor themes directly onto the board. This not only serves as a visual reference but also helps in sharing ideas with others involved in the planning process.
  • Pending Approval Column – a “Pending Approval” column is particularly useful for tracking items that require confirmation or approval. This can include contracts waiting to be signed, invoices needing clearance, or decisions on venue bookings. Having this column ensures that you’re always aware of what’s awaiting action, preventing bottlenecks in the planning process.
  • Collaboration and Updates – for events that involve multiple organizers or stakeholders, a Kanban board can be an effective platform for collaboration. Team members can update the board with new information, track progress, and see at a glance what others are working on. This facilitates clear communication and keeps everyone on the same page.
  • Flexibility and Adaptability – as event details can often change, the flexibility of a Kanban board to adapt quickly is invaluable. You can easily move tasks between columns, update details, and rearrange priorities as the planning evolves.

Whether it’s for a family gathering, a corporate event, or a celebratory occasion like a wedding, a Kanban board not only helps in organizing the myriad details involved but also makes the process more engaging and less overwhelming. It transforms the daunting task of event management into a more structured and enjoyable journey.

11. Human Resources

Investing in high-quality Kanban software apps can significantly transform the operations of an HR department, steering it away from the frantic pace often associated with fire-fighting to a more organized, efficient state. Here’s why incorporating a Kanban board into HR practices can be a game-changer:

  • Streamlined Recruitment Process – an HR Kanban board can revolutionize the hiring process. Recruiters can visually map out each stage of recruitment, from initial application screenings to final interviews and offers. This clarity allows for tracking the progress of each candidate effectively, ensuring no one slips through the cracks.
  • Enhanced Candidate Retention – by organizing and prioritizing tasks on the Kanban board, recruiters can respond more promptly to candidates, keeping them engaged and interested. This timely communication is key in retaining top talent, especially in competitive job markets.
  • Maintaining Recruiter Sanity – the organized nature of a Kanban board can significantly reduce the stress and chaos that often accompany recruitment. By having a clear overview of all ongoing processes, recruiters can manage their workload more effectively, leading to a less frenetic, more controlled work environment.
  • Improving Candidate Experience – the efficiency brought about by the Kanban system directly impacts the candidate experience. Faster response times, transparent communication, and a streamlined process make for a more positive interaction with potential employees. A smooth and professional recruitment process reflects well on the company’s brand and increases the likelihood of candidates accepting offers.
  • Collaboration and Visibility – kanban boards foster better collaboration among team members. Everyone in the HR team, from recruiters to hiring managers, can view the progress of various tasks and understand their roles and responsibilities in the recruitment process. This shared visibility promotes a cohesive team effort and reduces the chances of miscommunication.
  • Continuous Improvement – with the Kanban methodology, there’s always room for refinement. HR teams can regularly review and adjust their processes, responding to changes in the recruitment landscape or internal company policies. This adaptability is crucial for maintaining an efficient and effective hiring process.


The adoption of a Kanban board in various departments, particularly in HR, can lead to transformative changes in efficiency, communication, and overall workflow management. The benefits of utilizing such a system are extensive: from streamlining recruitment processes to enhancing candidate experience, and from maintaining team sanity to fostering continuous improvement.

For organizations looking to implement this system, Teamplate offers a robust Kanban board solution that is worth exploring. Their platform is designed to cater to the diverse needs of different teams and projects, making it an ideal choice for those seeking to enhance their productivity and organizational capabilities. By integrating Teamplate’s Kanban board into your workflow, you open up opportunities for greater collaboration, transparency, and efficiency. It’s a step towards not just organizing tasks but optimizing entire processes, ensuring that your teams are working at their best and delivering exceptional results.

The Kanban technique provides an easy-to-use and efficient task and project management system. It is predicated on two principles: workflow visualization and task limit imposed on the amount of ongoing jobs. By adhering to these two guidelines, you can complete your activities considerably more quickly and save the time you would typically spend organizing yourself.

A project management tool called a Kanban board is arranged into columns to assist teams in seeing how much work is still unfinished. Before it reaches the Done column, a card that represents the task travels from left to right through each column that represents the workflow progress. Free kanban board software revolutionizes task management and project organization. This efficient kanban tool, based on the principles of workflow visualization and limiting ongoing tasks, streamlines the management process. With a free kanban board, tasks progress visibly from left to right, aiding teams in tracking unfinished work and moving towards completion.

Why does that make sense?

Reducing the number of work in progress is based on the theory that if you only work on one activity at a time, you will be forced to concentrate completely and complete each task more effectively. Furthermore, you save a ton of time because you’re constantly focused on what you’re doing, as opposed to juggling multiple tasks and wasting time on them. The strategy behind reducing ongoing tasks with kanban boards is simple yet effective. By concentrating on a single task at a time, you enhance focus and efficiency, a core advantage of using free kanban tools. This approach not only boosts productivity but also saves significant time, a key benefit of kanban software.

How brilliant is Kanban?

You can use free Kanban boards to more effectively organize your daily personal tasks and work. They’re all available online and always reachable from any location. In the event that you happen to remember a task while walking your dog, you can easily add a new task from your smartphone to your Kanban board. Your chores are always with you, ready to be arranged for whenever you’re ready to get to them, whether you’re at work or at home, shopping or on vacation. Free kanban tools stand out for their accessibility and user-friendliness. Whether you’re using a free kanban board at home or a kanban board at work, these tools are always accessible online, making them ideal for managing projects anywhere. This flexibility ensures that, regardless of your location, your tasks are always organized and within reach, enhancing the effectiveness of task management with kanban software.

Using a free Kanban Tool board has the following advantages:

  • Greater organization in both your personal and professional life
  • Access to your tasks at any time and from any location
  • Significant time and effort savings as you eliminate the need to plan and switch between jobs.
  • Flexibility: It readily adjusts to your demands, so there are no limitations to what you can do with it or how you operate.
  • Never miss a deadline again, which include priorities and due dates. Managing deadlines and obligations will become second nature.
  • Process simplification: Because Analytics allows you to track your progress, it’s never been simpler to identify the mistakes you make most frequently and where you can improve. You will benefit from increased productivity and more time off overall from this!

The 20+ best Kanban apps to visualize work in 2024


Teamplate, a dynamic free kanban board software, integrates key business tools into a comprehensive kanban tool platform. This advanced kanban software facilitates high-performance collaboration with features like Chat, Video Calls, Board, Calendar, Data Room, and Spaces, establishing an optimal workflow for task management. Ideal for managing projects, Teamplate is a versatile free kanban tool designed to efficiently handle your team’s varied tasks.

This kanban board is exceptional in managing complex workflows and collaborative tasks, characteristic of the best kanban boards. With its adjustable hierarchical structure, Teamplate excels at breaking down complicated projects into simpler tasks and subtasks. This feature-rich free kanban board allows teams to effortlessly navigate between different project data views, all through a single, integrated interface.

By leveraging the capabilities of free kanban tools, Teamplate transforms abstract ideas into tangible actions, assisting teams in crafting project schedules focused on key milestones. The ease and efficiency in managing projects provided by this free kanban board software make Teamplate an essential tool for effective task management and project organization.

Teamplate Pros:

  • Comprehensive Features: Includes a board for to-do lists, document storage, and combines various functionalities in one platform.
  • User-Friendly Interface: Known for its simplicity and ease of use.
  • All-in-One Solution: Provides Kanban and checklist functionality, backlog and sprint functionality, and combines tools like Jira, Confluence, and Slack into one.
  • Effective for Project Management: Especially useful for managing projects with external clients.

Teamplate Cons:

  • Notification System: Current notifications can be easy to miss.
  • Work in Progress: Some features are still being developed and can be rough around the edges.
  • App Performance: The desktop and mobile apps can be buggier than the browser version and lack the robustness of tools like Jira/Confluence.


  • Free


ClickUp’s free kanban board software revolutionizes project management by offering a comprehensive kanban tool suite. This platform provides an array of free kanban boards, allowing any team to manage numerous workflows efficiently. With ClickUp, teams can engage in more effective communication and centralize their work on a single kanban board, all at no cost.

The versatility of ClickUp’s kanban software adapts seamlessly to any team size, making it a perfect match for various levels of experience in managing projects. This free kanban tool is designed to streamline task management, offering a user-friendly interface and a range of free kanban tools. Whether you’re a beginner or an experienced professional, ClickUp’s free kanban board is the ideal solution for effectively organizing and tracking projects. With ClickUp, teams gain access to robust kanban boards, enhancing collaboration and productivity without any financial investment.

ClickUp pros:

  • Select from 100 built-in connectors or the hundreds of more that Zapier offers to create a comprehensive workflow management system.
  • Establish and oversee your individual and team goals on a daily, monthly, quarterly, and annual basis.
  • For simple time monitoring, use the ClickUp Chrome extension to record time from your desktop, mobile device, or online browser. It’s free.

ClickUp cons

  • Not all ClickUp views are available on the mobile app


  • Free Forever Plan (best for personal use)
  • Unlimited Plan (best for small teams ($7/member per month)
  • Business Plan (best for mid-sized teams ($12/member per month)
  • ClickUp AI is available on all paid plans for $5 per Workspace


Paymo, a project management tool ideal for small businesses and independent contractors, excels in integrating free kanban board software into its system. This kanban software offers a variety of views, with the Kanban view being especially prominent alongside the List, Table, Calendar, and Gantt features. As a comprehensive kanban tool, Paymo allows for seamless task management and the efficient oversight of various workflows on a single platform.

With its array of free kanban boards, Paymo simplifies the process to manage projects, making it accessible and user-friendly for its users. This free kanban tool is particularly tailored to the needs of small-scale operations, providing all the essential features of kanban boards without any cost. The platform’s free kanban features are an invaluable resource for those looking to streamline their project management processes. Paymo’s free kanban board stands as a testament to its capability to combine professional project management with cost-effective solutions, offering a robust and versatile tool for effective task organization and workflow management.

Paymo pros:

  • Workflow customization and detailed cards
  • Meta Kanban view for all tasks across all projects 

Paymo cons:

  • Task dependencies are not visible in the Kanban view
  • No Kanban swimlanes, although cards can be group and filtered


  • Free forever
  • Starter $9.90 – per user/month
  • Small Office $15.90 – per user/month
  • Business $23.90 – per user/month

Toggl Plan

Toggl Plan, more than just a kanban tool, is among the best free kanban software available, enhancing traditional project management apps with its robust kanban system. This software excels in project planning and tracking, ensuring efficient task completion and delivery. Its kanban board feature provides a clear visual on the task status, a key aspect of its comprehensive project management features.

Ideal for those who value collaboration features, Toggl Plan allows team members to easily drop tasks into different stages and automate tasks, streamlining the workflow process. Its drag-and-drop functionality, coupled with customizable status updates and in-task comments, makes it a top contender for the best free kanban board. This free kanban software offers a blend of simplicity and efficiency, making it a superb choice for managing projects with ease and precision.

Toggl Plan pros:

  • Multiple members can be assigned to a task. 

Toggl Plan cons:

  • No task dependencies (if this feature is non-negotiable for you, check out a few Toggl alternatives
  • Members are limited to two view options: Team timeline or Plan board


  • Team $9 – per user/month
  • Business $15 – per user/month


Monday.com is not just a kanban tool; it’s a comprehensive project management app that integrates a robust kanban system. As one of the best free kanban boards available, it offers exceptional task management solutions, assisting cross-functional teams in focusing on crucial tasks with ease. This free kanban software is known for its Kanban board views, which greatly enhance task status visibility.

In addition to its basic kanban features, Monday.com excels in collaboration features, making it a top choice in project management apps. It allows project managers to create real-time project dashboards, a key aspect of its project management features. The platform’s ability to automate tasks and let users easily drop tasks into different stages of the workflow further solidifies its position as a leading free kanban software. Monday.com represents a seamless blend of functionality and efficiency, catering to the dynamic needs of effective project management.

Monday.com pros:

  • Unlimited boards and docs in the free plan
  • Customizable workflows to easily track projects

Monday.com cons:

  • Features are not in-depth compared to other top Kanban board apps on this list
  • Dashboards are a paid premium feature


  • Free Forever Plan 
  • Basic – €12 seat/month
  • Standard – €14 seat/month
  • Pro – €24 seat/month


Asana, more than just a kanban tool, offers a comprehensive kanban system within its suite of project management apps. Utilizing the kanban method, Asana’s free version stands out as one of the best free kanban boards, enabling teams to manage tasks effectively. It offers flexible kanban boards that cater to the dynamic needs of unlimited users, making it an ideal choice for any project manager.

This free kanban software excels in showcasing task status in real-time, enhancing team collaboration features. Asana’s project management features include the ability to automate tasks and conveniently drop tasks into different project stages. The system ensures that all team members are kept informed with timely notifications as tasks progress. Asana’s implementation of the kanban method in its project management apps makes it a top-tier tool for efficient and collaborative task management.Teams may easily visualize their progress in real time with the help of Asana’s Kanban board features. For instance, a member can utilize the Advanced Search option to narrow their search to certain columns if they are seeking for a particular task. To ensure that everyone is informed, members will also get notifications when tasks progress through sections.

Asana pros:

  • Members can perform bulk actions on tasks to save time
  • Kanban board view is available on the free plan 

Asana cons:

  • Only one assignee per task
  • Subtasks can be challenging, so members will need to consider finding workarounds for complex projects


  • Starter  – €10.99 – per user/month
  • Advanced – €24.99 – per user/month


Small businesses looking for an easily configurable workspace to plan tasks, manage shared calendars, and facilitate collaboration will find Wrike project management software to be perfect. Additionally, approvers can use Wrike’s visual markup tool to accelerate feedback.

Wrike pros:

  • Kanban board view allows complete visibility of tasks 
  • Time tracking feature to compare estimated versus actual time spent

Wrike cons:

  • Steep learning curve for new users
  • Gantt charts are not available in the free version 


  • Free Forever Plan 
  • Team – $9.80 per user/month
  • Business – $24.80 per user/month


A visual project management application based on the Kanban technique is called MeisterTask.  Sleek and readily configurable Kanban boards allow team members to effortlessly oversee everyday tasks. Teams may interact and work together throughout the workflow with project management tools like numerous checklists, automation, and infinite sections.  

MeisterTask pros:

  • Task relationship links (related, duplicate, or blocking) feature to keep project members informed 
  • Built-in time tracker that comes in handy for team calculations and projections

MeisterTask cons:

  • WIP limits, unlimited projects, and reporting are paid features
  • One assignee per task 


  • Basic – Free
  • Pro€11 per user/month
  • Business € 22,50 per user/month


Working on large-scale projects with several team members is possible using Nifty. It’s a collaborative workspace that assists you and your team in managing documents, tracking time, and organizing tasks, much like the majority of project management software. When paired with the Kanban approach, members are able to plan, prioritize, and oversee daily tasks in great detail.

Nifty pros:

  • Portfolio management feature to view members and statuses at a glance
  • Offers different user roles and permissions to control access levels

Nifty cons:

  • The free plan is limited to two active projects 
  • Expensive paid plans to use core features 


  • Free Forever Plan 
  • Starter – $39 per person/month
  • Pro – $79 – per person/month
  • Business – $124 – per person/month


Jira is a project management and bug-tracking tool designed for technical and agile power users. A development team may have a first column of backlog items that has been ongoing for a while. Jira therefore created a backlog for Kanban development projects and put it to a separate project tab. Teams are aware of what’s next when product managers transfer tasks from the backlog to the board.

Jira pros:

  • WIP limits can exclude subtasks from the Kanban board column count to ensure all action items for a specific task won’t be shut out 
  • Integrations with 3,000+ apps 

Jira cons:

  • Complicated user interface and migration make managing tasks burdensome
  • Teams considering Jira will need to use another software app for simple project management


  • Free forever
  • Standard $8.15 – per user/month
  • Premium $16 – per user/month


With the help of project planning tools like Proofhub, teams can organize every phase of their work and see it as it progresses. Using the Kanban tool, team members may prioritize tasks and observe how work progresses through different phases. It’s an easy-to-use platform for idea sharing and grouping pertinent files.

Proofhub pros:

  • Private task lists for assigned people only
  • Recurring events and tasks feature 

Proofhub cons:

  • Lacks budgeting capabilities
  • Not a suitable platform for agile project management compared to other top Kanban apps on this list 


  • Ultimate control $89/month
  • Essential $45/month


Within a company, Businessmap automatically reports, updates, and monitors the progress of every project. Teams can concentrate on completing tasks and streamlining procedures thanks to this data. Stakeholders and team members can work together more quickly and effectively with Businessmap.

Businessmap pros:

  • Analytic tools such as Cumulative Flow Diagram, Cycle Time Scatter Plot, and WIP Aging chart 
  • Interlinked Kanban boards on a team and management level

Businessmap cons:

  • Not ideal for businesses outside of software and engineering industries 
  • Setup and configuration may be time-intensive


  • Annual Plan $149/month
  • Month by Month $179/month

Planview Leankit

Planview Leankit’s adaptable Kanban boards facilitate the sharing of a unified, prioritized, and status picture of work among lean and agile teams. With features like work item history, real-time work status, and WIP limitations, members have all they need to plan and complete project tasks effectively.

Planview LeanKit pros:

  • Categorization labels that represent different types of work on a Kanban board
  • Complete audit trail of all changes made to a card

Planview LeanKit cons:

  • Lack of customization capabilities to cards and custom fields compared to other top Kanban board apps on this list
  • Steep learning curve 


  • Customized


Software development teams may examine the tasks of every member of the team by mapping their whole workflow using the Kanban project management tool Blossom. Members may quickly determine whether jobs are blocked or ready for the next step by looking at the colorful “stamps” in the Kanban cards’ corners.

Blossom pros:

  • Comments are auto-saved if you navigate and come back to the card later
  • The cycle time of Kanban cards is shown on every completed Kanban card 

Blossom cons:

  • Lacks customization of Kanban boards, cards, task statuses, and team communication 
  • @Mentions to team members are not a native feature in the platform


  • Inquire with Blossom for pricing 

Microsoft Planner

Microsoft Planner allows teams to better concentrate and centrally coordinate their work with its integrated Kanban boards and comprehensive task cards. Users of Planner may link to Power Automate, Microsoft To Do, SharePoint, and other apps for effective task management as part of Microsoft 365.

Microsoft Planner pros:

  • Android and iOS mobile apps to update tasks on the go 
  • Attachment preview and link to display on the Planner

Microsoft Planner cons:

  • Microsoft Planner as a standalone app isn’t a solution for an all-in-one task management tool 
  • Less flexibility with customization and integrations


  • Inquire with Microsoft Planner for subscription plans


With Smartsheet, you can plan, organize, and manage several tasks at once. Using drag-and-drop cards, card view is one of four perspectives that facilitates task organization. When enabled, the data in the dropdown list, contacts list, or symbols columns determine how the page is organized into a Kanban board. See our Smartsheet Project Management Guide for further details!

Smartsheet pros:

  • Custom branding can be applied to the entire account
  • Cards can be reorganized for better prioritization within the same Kanban board column

Smartsheet cons:

  • Free plan is limited to 2 sheets and 2 editors
  • Not suitable for small agencies 


  • Free €0 – per user/month
  • Pro €7 – per user/month
  • Business €28 – per user/month


Pipefy is a low-code/no-code workflow solution. Members may quickly notify stakeholders about their requirements for on-time delivery, automate processes, and integrate technologies. Businesses looking to grow must implement smart processes, and Pipefy offers a full array of project management tools to help teams get going.

Pipefy pros:

  • Service portals centralize documents, policies, and request forms
  • Native Integrations with Slack, GitHub, BitBucket, and Google Hangouts

Pipefy cons:

  • Mid-sized teams will have to pay a high price tag to build a simple Kanban board
  • Customization options are paid features


  • Free
  • Business $20 – per user/month
  • Enterprise $34 – per user/month


With Flow-e, job management becomes easier by converting Outlook mailboxes into a visual taskboard, akin to a Kanban process. To track work in progress, members can drag and drop cards from the Flow-e inbox into Kanban columns. One of the app’s extra features is a timeline where users can view meetings and reminders.

Flow-e pros:

  • Taskboard with unlimited columns in the free plan 
  • Standalone task cards in the workflow

Flow-e cons:

  • The free plan allows up to two email accounts
  • Not suitable for agile teams who need flexible customization features to build their workflows


  • Inquire with Flow-e for pricing 


Zenhub, an application for agile teams to manage, schedule, and carry out software projects, is the next best Kanban software. Teams may transfer issues between pipelines and give priority to the most important work by using Zenhub Boards in conjunction with a project’s GitHub issues.

Zenhub pros:

  • Different teams can use the same GitHub repos across multiple boards
  • Workflow automation features automatically sync your project as GitHub issues are updated and completed

Zenhub cons:

  • The platform is tailored to software teams
  • Works best if connected to GitHub


  • Zenhub offers free and paid plans starting at $7.95/user per month


One well-known Kanban product from the Atlassian software family is Trello. Teams may advance work by utilizing Trello’s personalized card and board buttons, which are made up of four essential parts: the Kanban board, cards, lists, and board menu. The options required to control member permissions, search cards, and build automations are available on the board menu. Members may also add vibrant card covers and board backgrounds to add some fun and flair. 

Trello pros:

  • The no-code automation feature, Butler, helps teams save time with administrative tasks
  • Advanced checklists (a paid feature) for granular task assignments

Trello cons:

  • Teams that regularly track multiple projects will need to select a Trello paid plan for unlimited Kanban boards 
  • Task dependencies are not easy to create or update compared to other top Kanban apps on this list  


  • Free $0
  • Standard $5 – per user/month
  • Premium $10 – per user/month
  • Enterprise $17.50 – per user/month

Kanban Tool

With the help of the visual management tool Kanban Tool, teams may restrict work-in-progress, cooperate in real-time, and locate and remove bottlenecks. Members may now manage their projects and examine procedures to increase productivity.

Kanban Tool pros:

  • One-click collapsible columns and swimlanes, allowing focus on specific areas only
  • File attachments with image preview

Kanban Tool cons:

  • Customization capabilities are limited compared to other top Kanban board apps on this list
  • Not suitable for businesses with 2+ team members 


  • Free €0
  • Team €6 – per user/month
  • Enterprise €11 – per user/month

It might take a while to choose the best project management solution, but it doesn’t have to! Sign up for a free teamplate account and take control of your work productivity today!
